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In My Life
IN MY LIFE,该碟以钢琴为主,歌颂生命和爱情,优美的旋律,宁静安逸而流畅,缓缓抒情。*****
新纪元钢琴大师Kevin Kern最新巨作《在我生命中》,继他的奇灵异作《绿色花园》《日月星辰》及《小桥流水》之后,Kevin Kern在音乐创作方面已迈向殿堂境界。碟中十一首乐曲既浪漫又感性,更有首次改编BEATLES乐队名曲“In My Life”,歌颂生命与爱情。优美的旋律,宁静安逸的音乐世界时刻都有安抚你心灵的功效。美国著名“火箭实验室”制作母带,音色自然棒哦!
在专集《在生命中》中,更能欣赏到他内敛深邃的情感,融合前三张专集的精华,交迭出更具张力的想象与诗意,从演奏到录音皆属精雕细酌之作,凯文柯恩视这张为个人在二十世纪结束束前最完美的代表作,只要听一遍,你也能品尝出那脱俗的精致品味。 因为先天性弱视,一生下来就在朦胧的视觉下,依靠触觉和感觉来摸索世界,正因如此,他反而多出一份其它钢琴师一生都无法模仿的细腻与敏感,你永远可以从他的音乐中,体验到生命中每一刻的珍贵感觉。 他重新诠释艾尔顿约翰经典“We All Fall in Love Sometime”,以及披头士─约翰列侬1965年抒情曲“In My Life”,他巧妙地让重新编曲后的版本,在现代感中保留复古风味,甚至多了一份迷离梦幻,其精采度已然超越原曲;此外,还特别邀请大提琴巨匠Thalia Moore与小提琴圣手Jeremy Cohen跨刀演出,形成完美的三重奏,使本专集更添经典重量感。
This extremely melodic new age pianist makes no bones about his intentions. Based on song titles like "Love's First Smile," "To Sleep on Angel's Wings," and "Twirling in Time," it's clear that his lyrical, rhythmic piano pieces are intended to provide a sense of reflection, mellow joy, peace, and hope in a chaotic world. While he's a fine melodist who knows how to intricately weave melody and harmony (as on ensemble gems like "Dance of the Searching Souls"), what's most interesting is the way he bookends his nine original cuts. He names the album after the ultimate reflection song, the Beatles' "In My Life," and does a fairly pedestrian but quite graceful reading of that. Much more creative, though, is his choice of an opener, the obscure but simply beautiful Elton John classic (from 1975's Captain Fantastic), "We All Fall in Love Sometimes." John's piano-based ballads have long cried out for new age or contemporary jazz interpretations, and it's wonderful to see Kern introduce the romance of his collection this way, and with such an non-obvious choice. With Kern, the message is pretty simple — beautiful, spiritual melodies that relax and inspire. Not overly challenging but absolutely beautiful.