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Cali Princess - Mix Tape, Vol. 1

Cali Princess - Mix Tape, Vol. 1

I express myself through music. I've never been good at talking about how I feel or expressing myself so I found music to be my way to get everything out. I've been writing for over fifteen years since I was a kid, it was a way to escape my reality at the time. I didn't start recording until almost five years ago when I managed to get enough money for my own music studio and even then I did it just because it felt good. Music became my therapy. I never did anything with my music until now. I was motivated by my sister and best friend passing away recently who was my biggest supporter and always pushed me to put myself out there. I have done songs with local artists Tha Most, Bobby Gutta, Streetschild,TC Racks, Killa Quis, and most recenlty Celltwice tha Exclusive.
