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Soul Rebels
1970年录制的《Soul Rebels》最初仅在英国发行,当时的伦敦正弥漫在70年代种族歧视和黑帮横行的空气中,而这张唱片的发行立刻给人们的思想带来了冲击,Bob Malry和他的哭泣者乐队在专辑中的一首"My Cup"中唱到:"I've got to cry, cry, cry. People let me cry, cry, cry"——直到70年代末,一支叫做Clash的Punk乐队发行了一张带有明显Ska风格的伟大专辑《London Calling》。
《Soul Rebels》是Bob Marley & the Wailers第一张由雷鬼乐大师Lee "Scratch" Perry担任制作的专辑(之后发行的《Upsetter Revolution Rhythm》、《African Herbsman》等唱片也均与Lee Perry合作)。可这张唱片最终令乐队和这位Dub大师的关系恶化,因为在唱片发行之后的30年里,除了Lee Perry外没有一个人从中挣到一分钱。不过即便如此,Bob Marley和乐队仍然必须感谢Lee "Scratch" Perry,正是Lee Perry的眼光和推动,才使得Bob Marley有机会把Reggae带进西方世界的主流音乐,并一举成为雷鬼乐的巨星、第三世界的英雄。Bob Marley是舞台上最璀璨的明星,而Lee Perry则是幕后深谙其道的大师。
by Rick Anderson
Originally issued in 1970, Soul Rebels was the first album credited to Bob Marley & the Wailers, and it was also the band's first full-length collaboration with producer Lee "Scratch" Perry, for whom they had already recorded a string of fairly successful singles. Working with the newly configured Upsetters band, Marley and crew delivered a strange and wonderful set of early reggae that at times plays fast and loose with the already established conventions of the genre -- on "My Cup" the beat sounds inside out, while "It's Alright" sounds like a slightly Jamaicanized version of Motown soul. Other songs, such as the beautifully harmonized "Try Me," show their deep roots in rocksteady. One of the most arresting tracks on the album is the Peter Tosh sung "Four Hundred Years," on which Tosh unburdens himself of some of his typically dread pronouncements in his rich, chesty voice.