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Grown & Sexy

Grown & Sexy

十座葛莱美奖得主、当代R&B教父睽违四年再造灵魂情歌美学最高境界代表作  专辑荣获Billboard流行榜第十、R&B榜季军,继《The Day》后九年来最佳成绩  首支单曲Sorry For The Stupid Things轰动全美R&B单曲榜      他是节奏蓝调的圣经和代名词,他也是Quiet Storm、Smooth R&B、Urban音乐的发明人,他绝对是陶?和Brian McKnight的灵感发源地。这位1959年四月十日出生在印地安那州的准摇滚名人堂候选人,说他点石成金一点也不为过,历年参与过的唱片、专辑、单曲销量己超过十亿张!在美国告示牌也创造了119首流行榜作品,包括了47首节奏蓝调榜冠军单曲,51首流行榜Top 10,16首流行榜冠军单曲,十座葛莱美奖〈包括前无古人后无来者的95、96、97年度最佳制作人三连霸〉,还有未来各大颁奖典礼的终生成就、传奇人物到摇滚名人堂必定都将是他的酿中之物。      从70年代的Man Child、80年代的The Deele〈玛丽亚凯莉今年创事业高峰的16周冠军曲"We Belong Together"就是取样The Deele的名曲"Two Occasions",还在歌词提到Babyface〉,1986年单飞,发行六张录音室大碟、一张圣诞专辑、一张live专辑和精选集后的Babyface在这张全新的专辑《Grown & Sexy》回归音乐最原始的初衷--词曲和人。Babyface依然和他的老搭档Daryl Simmons和新伙伴Gregg Pagani(LeAnn Rimes、 Will Smith)一起在稳定中寻求R&B的DNA重新排列,听着娃娃脸用全新的元素和极发烧级的录 / 溷音品质带你回到他最熟悉的领域,轻松游走在「新 / 旧学院派」、「真 / 假音」、「甜蜜 / 悲伤」的夹层以及「钢琴 / 空心木头吉他」之间。配合2005年当代流行的音色,恰如其份的对话式多层次合音,稜稜角角的Urban Punch和极有特色的主音用歌声,为你娓娓道来一个个剧情画面和场境,把市面上所有的流行节奏蓝调抛到远远之后,再次证明娃娃脸依旧是半神半人!      〈Sorry For The Stupid Things〉是专辑主打,他化身一位说自身故事的人,带着歉意和后悔,教男人如何好好谈场恋爱!加上一个中慢板的节奏伴着一个个章节,他不用假音不用狂烈的转音一样令你顺着他的groove摇摆,画面竟也一一呈现在你眼前!〈Mad,Sexy,Cool〉、〈God Must Love You〉必然引起喜欢《Face 2 Face》专辑〈U Should Know〉的朋友注意,他这次用心跳速度配电合音和Fusion节奏蓝调为你粉墨登场;〈She〉则是在他旧作品〈When Can I See You〉、〈Talk To Me〉、〈Change The World〉三首民谣节奏蓝调中找到全新平衡点。〈The Gettin’ To Know U〉的全假音演唱证明除了他是黄金制作人外,同时也是位拥有惊人音域的灵魂歌手;而在〈Goin’ Outta Business〉以互动式过电合音的方式,让三位娃娃脸一起说故事给你听;当然,〈Can’t Stop Now〉、〈Drama, Love & ’Lationships〉、〈The Loneliness〉绝对是娃娃脸正港smooth R&B情歌代表,〈Tonight It;s Goin’ Down〉、〈Grown & Sexy〉、〈Good To Be In Love〉、〈She’s International〉则有娃娃脸这几年比较狂野和热情的一面喔!      管你二十几、三十几、四十几...听完这张《Grown & Sexy》,你会觉得现在的你,就活在生命中最美好、最性感的一刻。这就是娃娃脸无与伦比的制片功力,《Grown & Sexy》也是节奏蓝调中的极品! by Andy Kellman Not everyone was left convinced by Babyface's previous solo album, 2001's Face2Face. Many critics and fans found it to be a desperate act of some form, containing several stabs at with-it youthfulness that would've sounded out of character on his early albums with the Deele, not to mention something he put together almost 20 years later. He was either tired of doing the expected or was attempting to appeal to more than the thirty- and fortysomethings (or both). Those who were left disappointed by that album will probably be happy to have the Face of old back with Grown & Sexy, a back-to-basics album that sounds a lot more natural in comparison. While this is very familiar territory, few cover it as well. Written with longtime partner Daryl Simmons and produced with relative newcomer Gregg Pagani (LeAnn Rimes, Will Smith), Grown & Sexy doesn't have any songs that immediately jump out and fall in line with the biggest hits, but it does make up for that with its consistency. Mostly light and easygoing, though not without its fair share of female-male drama (and a couple touches of humor), it's capped off by a great dancefloor track in the form of "She's International," showing that he needn't necessarily stick to ballads with acoustic guitars.
