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Rebellion der Träumer Remixes Part 3

Rebellion der Träumer Remixes Part 3

'Schwindelig' from Kollektiv Turmstrasse was definitely the most successful track from their album 'Rebellion der Träumer'. Reason enough for us to use it for our first remix competition in cooperation with Junodownload. The participants definitely did not make it easy for us. We didn't expect so many high quality interpretations. We had submissions ranging from ambientish ear candies to proper emo-step, from frickel-beats to mädchen-techno. In the end, we decided on nine winner remixes. Eight remixes will be part of the digital package, while three will be released physically on vinyl, including one vinyl exclusive. Of course, some interpretations do not mirror the sound you are used to hearing from us, but we think this is not the goal of a remix competition. We find we have found a great selection, and we hope you will enjoy them as much as we do. The over-all winner by the way, chosen by Kollektiv Turmstrasse, is Clemens Ruh with his incredibly deep and touching piece of music. In autumn, we will present the fourth and last part of the 'Rebellion der Träumer' remix series. We are more than proud to have two extraordinary acts on the remix duties to close this project. More information coming soon...
