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Somebody help me please tonight
2017. 09. 01 6pm 10cm '4.0' Release
Producer / 10cm
Co-producer/ 이요한
All songs written by 10cm
Recorded and mixed at Dongnam pc station & recording studio
Recording and mix engineer / 이요한
Drum recorded by 신재민 @Philo's Planet (HELP)
All songs Mastered by bk! of Astro Bits (@AB room)
Executive / Magic Strawberry Inc.
Management / Magic Strawberry Sound
Executive producer / Soda
Chief manager / 홍달님
A&R / 정준구, 홍달님
Management work / 최혜미, 한정현, 안성문 김민희, 이예든, 임형나
Press work / 신동익, 최혜미
Management support / 선우진아, 신혜진
Artwork / A Jihye & Jang Joonoh of Sparks Edition (www.sparksedition.com)
Design by 양서로, 김수진
Photo by JDZ CHUNG
M/V directed by 이래경 @BTS FLIM
P/V edited by 안지현, 황지수
Hair by 구예영 @고원
Make-Up by 배지희 @고원
Stylist by 정설 @SSUL
Stylist ASS by 정현경, 안두호 @SSUL
Official Commentary by 최혜미