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East West - Music from the Motion Picture
1999年影片《Est - Ouest》原声。
1946年,二战刚刚结束,苏联和西方国家正处在蜜月期,斯大林下令赦免所有十月革命后逃亡国外的俄国人,邀请他们回国。法籍俄罗斯裔医生阿历克斯(Oleg Menshikov 饰)带着年轻美貌的法国妻子玛丽和小儿子回国。天意弄人,铁幕时代就在此时开始。斯大林政府判定这数千回国的外侨中有90%的外国特务。冷酷的环境下,阿历克斯委曲求全,帮助政府粉饰太平,还入了党。玛丽则不断设法逃亡,两夫妻渐渐反目,玛丽最后被抓进集中营。6年后,她被释放回家,变成一个两鬓斑白、畏缩怕事的中年人。不久,已经成为医院院长的阿历克斯获得机会带家小去保加利亚。原来十年以来,他一直在秘密筹划送妻子回法国,曾与玛丽有一面之缘的法国女演员(Catherine Deneuve 饰)带来了她们母子的护照。鉴于阿历克斯的苏联公民身份,法国政府不敢给他提供护照。一个家庭就此生离死别,而这已是他们所能期待的最好结局。
The award-nominated French film East-West features a score composed by Patrick Doyle, who also wrote music for Sense and Sensibility and Much Ado About Nothing. Alternately poignant and tense orchestral pieces like "Farewell of a Slav," "Arrival in Kiev," "The Black Sea," and "You Must Stay Alive" reflect the wrenching journey of a Russian expatriate family from France to Bulgaria shortly after World War II. An integral piece of the film, and a gripping work of art in its own right.