当前位置:首页 >> 【音楽療法】アダルトチルドレン解消 >> 歌曲列表 第1页


An adult child (AC), in a musical frequency, lay It's made healing music for the purpose of being canceled. When a frequency of the tone of the music gives the various effect to a man. Even music therapy and other method of treatment are used. At the operation place where method of treatment is performed For therapist's guarantee to occur. It becomes expensive absolutely. And I have to be absent from work, school and an event. For the person who suffers from such adult child (AC). It isn't known to a person and it's just heard and it seems that method of treatment is received. As well as an adult child (AC). Please choose worries of spirit as teacher's guidance of a specialist of operation experience for 15 years. This source was born. The musical frequency used for this BGM? Minus feeling is erased, fear. Sense of guilt be eased. It was made in order to activate a cell and send a vivid life. Music therapy music of an adult child (AC) major. How to use? I hear and have sleep in the evening every day. Or When I find feeling not to be excellent. I close an eye and lie down a little, and you just hear. The period when the effect shows is individually different. Most cases are in about 90 days. So far, of different oneself feeling It's changing vivid every day.
