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Edvard Grieg: Lyric Pieces

Edvard Grieg: Lyric Pieces

吉利尔斯选择了格里格抒情小品中最具思想性而又值得玩味的录音,优美而精巧,尽管同曲目的版本很多,但能做到如吉利尔斯一般,每次聆听都给人带来愉悦的却绝无仅有,录音也是一如既往的优异,空灵而不失温暖,绝对是一张天碟级数的珍藏精品。 钢琴家吉利尔斯的足迹广及全苏联各地,1947年到欧洲演出,1955年在美国首演。吉利尔斯从1951年起担任莫斯科音乐院教授并得到“人民艺术家”称号,1962年得到列宁奖。除了钢琴独奏,吉利尔斯也是个出色的室内乐演奏家,最常合作的搭档包括他的连襟,也就是小提琴家Leonid Kogan。吉利尔斯的唱片数量极多,曲目广从巴赫到斯特拉文斯基的作品,他的音乐是相当典型的俄罗斯传统学派。 对大多数的钢琴家和听众而言,此专辑里葛利格所写的这些钢琴小曲,都显得太简单,不值听或一谈,可是如果他们知道吉利尔斯和录音师们花了一整个星期的时间才录完这一套曲目,以及钢琴家在其中所投注的心力,就不会轻视这份录音的重要性了。在这份录音的期间,吉利尔斯从不事先透露他所要灌录的曲目,他总是先在家中痛苦的找到他所要赋予乐曲的精神和诠释灵性,他企图使每一首曲子都获得他们自己的音色和性格,而这也包括了他对麦克风摆放位置的严格要求,尽管录音师都已为他调好了适当的地点,他却总是不肯罢休。吉利尔斯曾说她是透过电台广播了解这些作品与瑞典民谣之间密切而优美的转换关系,也就是这样深切的自发体认,使他在这些作品的诠释上别具一格,成为音乐史上的一绝。 Here, surely, is a classic recording, one of calibre and status for all time. Rarely can a great artist have declared his love with such touching candour. By his own admission Gilels discovered in Grieg’s Lyric Pieces a “whole world of intimate feeling” and at the 1974 sessions fought tirelessly to capture their intricate mix of innocence and experience. The results are of an unblemished purity, grace and contained eloquence. Listen to the silvery transparency he achieves at 0'42'' in Solitary traveller (and again 11 bars later), to bittersweet reverie resolved in total lucidity, or to Melody, where he turns the composer’s gentle allegretto into an acute sense of elegy, autumnal withdrawal and introspection. With what apparent ease he locates the Scherzo’s central piu tranquillo, making it break like some magical dawn across the music’s hallucinatory flight. His realignment of voices at the end of Ballad captures precisely the way sadness turns to grief, to an eternal sense of loss, and – in supreme contrast – his Puck, taken at an electrifying pace, glints with malevolence as well as more acceptable pranks. At your feet, music which at times might be mistaken for one of Liszt’s late, dark-hued utterances, quivers with barely suppressed ardour and in the final Remembrances, where Grieg transforms his opening Arietta into the most subtle valediction, Gilels registers every nuance and modulation with an astonishing yet unobtrusive sensitivity. Never can Debussy’s sniping estimate of Grieg, “a pink bonbon filled with snow” (or DG’s dreary accompanying notes), have seemed wider of the mark. The recordings remain as impeccable as the playing. This is a disc for everyone’s desert island. -- Bryce Morrison, Gramophone [2/1997] Works on This Recording 1. Lyric Pieces (8), Book 1, Op. 12: no 1, Arietta by Edvard Grieg ■ Performer: Emil Gilels (Piano) ■ Period: Romantic ■ Written: 1866; Norway ■ Date of Recording: 06/1974 2. Lyric Pieces (8), Book 2, Op. 38: no 1, Berceuse by Edvard Grieg ■ Performer: Emil Gilels (Piano) ■ Period: Romantic ■ Written: 1883; Norway ■ Date of Recording: 06/1974 3. Lyric Pieces (6), Book 3, Op. 43: no 1, Butterfly by Edvard Grieg ■ Performer: Emil Gilels (Piano) ■ Period: Romantic ■ Written: 1886; Norway ■ Date of Recording: 06/1974 4. Lyric Pieces (6), Book 3, Op. 43: no 2, Lonely Wanderer by Edvard Grieg ■ Performer: Emil Gilels (Piano) ■ Period: Romantic ■ Written: 1886; Norway ■ Date of Recording: 06/1974 5. Lyric Pieces (7), Book 4, Op. 47: no 2, Albumblatt by Edvard Grieg ■ Performer: Emil Gilels (Piano) ■ Period: Romantic ■ Written: 1885-1888; Norway ■ Date of Recording: 06/1974 6. Lyric Pieces (7), Book 4, Op. 47: no 3, Melody by Edvard Grieg ■ Performer: Emil Gilels (Piano) ■ Period: Romantic ■ Written: 1885-1888; Norway ■ Date of Recording: 06/1974 7. Lyric Pieces (7), Book 4, Op. 47: no 4, Halling by Edvard Grieg ■ Performer: Emil Gilels (Piano) ■ Period: Romantic ■ Written: 1885-1888; Norway ■ Date of Recording: 06/1974 8. Lyric Pieces (6), Book 5, Op. 54: no 4, Notturno by Edvard Grieg ■ Performer: Emil Gilels (Piano) ■ Period: Romantic ■ Written: 1891; Norway ■ Date of Recording: 06/1974 9. Lyric Pieces (6), Book 5, Op. 54: no 5, Scherzo by Edvard Grieg ■ Performer: Emil Gilels (Piano) ■ Period: Romantic ■ Written: 1891; Norway ■ Date of Recording: 06/1974 10. Lyric Pieces (6), Book 6, Op. 57: no 6, Homesickness by Edvard Grieg ■ Performer: Emil Gilels (Piano) ■ Period: Romantic ■ Written: 1893; Norway ■ Date of Recording: 06/1974 11. Lyric Pieces (6), Book 7, Op. 62: no 4, Brooklet by Edvard Grieg ■ Performer: Emil Gilels (Piano) ■ Period: Romantic ■ Written: 1895; Norway ■ Date of Recording: 06/1974 12. Lyric Pieces (6), Book 7, Op. 62: no 6, Homeward by Edvard Grieg ■ Performer: Emil Gilels (Piano) ■ Period: Romantic ■ Written: 1895; Norway ■ Date of Recording: 06/1974 13. Lyric Pieces (6), Book 8, Op. 65: no 5, In Ballad Style by Edvard Grieg ■ Performer: Emil Gilels (Piano) ■ Period: Romantic ■ Written: 1897; Norway ■ Date of Recording: 06/1974 14. Lyric Pieces (6), Book 9, Op. 68: no 2, Grandmother's Minuet by Edvard Grieg ■ Performer: Emil Gilels (Piano) ■ Period: Romantic ■ Written: 1898; Norway ■ Date of Recording: 06/1974 15. Lyric Pieces (6), Book 9, Op. 68: no 3, At Your Feet by Edvard Grieg ■ Performer: Emil Gilels (Piano) ■ Period: Romantic ■ Written: 1898; Norway ■ Date of Recording: 06/1974 16. Lyric Pieces (6), Book 9, Op. 68: no 5, Cradle song by Edvard Grieg ■ Performer: Emil Gilels (Piano) ■ Period: Romantic ■ Written: 1898; Norway ■ Date of Recording: 06/1974 17. Lyric Pieces (7), Book 10, Op. 71: no 1, Once upon a Time by Edvard Grieg ■ Performer: Emil Gilels (Piano) ■ Period: Romantic ■ Written: 1901; Norway ■ Date of Recording: 06/1974 18. Lyric Pieces (7), Book 10, Op. 71: no 3, Puck by Edvard Grieg ■ Performer: Emil Gilels (Piano) ■ Period: Romantic ■ Written: 1901; Norway ■ Date of Recording: 06/1974 19. Lyric Pieces (7), Book 10, Op. 71: no 6, Gone by Edvard Grieg ■ Performer: Emil Gilels (Piano) ■ Period: Romantic ■ Written: 1901; Norway ■ Date of Recording: 06/1974 20. Lyric Pieces (7), Book 10, Op. 71: no 7, Remembrances by Edvard Grieg ■ Performer: Emil Gilels (Piano) ■ Period: Romantic ■ Written: 1901; Norway ■ Date of Recording: 06/1974


