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2022年初,Rich Brian发布了他的EP专辑《Brightside》并开启了他举世瞩目的一年。在这一年里,他成为了首位在Coachella音乐节上演出的印尼艺术家。现在,他将和$not发布合作单曲《VIVID》来为他强势向上的2022年画一个圆满的句号。 《VIVID》是一首用心发声的嘻哈歌曲。他们在歌曲中对人际关系进行了深刻的反思,尽管历史的记忆不会被抹去,但是他们仍然努力让自己走出来。这首歌由Rich Brian自行制作,除了有足够令人上瘾的原声吉他循环和舒缓的背景人声,还有Brian本人自带的动感节拍。 Rich Brian曾在今年的Coachella音乐节和Head In The Clouds (LA) 音乐节上表演过独奏版本的《VIVID》。让我们保持兴奋吧,《VIVID》将会是Rich Brian辉煌的一年里最后且是最耀眼的光芒。 Following Rich Brian’s triumphant year which began with the release of his EP “Brightside”, and becoming the first Indonesian artist to perform an individual set at Coachella Music Festival; Rich ends the year on a strong note with the release of his long awaited track, “VIVID” featuring $not. “VIVID”, is a heartfelt hip-hop track that features the young stars as they take an introspective look at their relationships - battling with the idea of moving on from a relationship despite the history and memories that will always remain. Self-produced by Rich Brian, the production features an addictive acoustic guitar loop and soothing background vocals, before a dynamic beat drop leading into Brian’s infectious hook. Rich Brian debuted a solo version of “VIVID”, during his historic Coachella performance and performed it at this year’s sold-out Head In The Clouds Festival in Los Angeles, California in front of 35,000 fans - continuing to draw excitement for the release and capping off his momentous year.


