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薬奏 ~サブリミナル効果による~ ☆極上の癒し☆
Producer: Masaya Uechi (Member of the Japanese Society of Music Therapy)
[Inaudible message activates subconscious mind]
Benefits: Completely relaxing. Relieves body tension. Become sleepy. Neuropathic pain relief.
Please listen to it in various situations such as while working at your computer, sitting on a comfortable sofa, before getting into the futon, or when you can't sleep. The tension in the body is released, fatigue, and nervous pain gradually disappear.
The Yakuso series is a music therapy that heals the stress that tends to fall into everyday life with suggestive messages and comfortable music that have been analyzed and devised from the perspective of cognitive psychology.
The narration is inserted into the music 36 million times in 50 minutes at a volume, frequency, and speed that is difficult to hear, and the (inaudible) narration becomes a implied message and naturally creates the subconscious. To go. In a two-year clinical trial, 80% of people answered that they felt the effect.