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Love Will Come - The Music Of Vince Guaraldi, Volume 2 Deluxe Version
◎ 葛莱美新世纪钢琴大师选奏爵士钢琴传奇Vince Guaraldi名曲
◎ 继1996年后再次演绎经典卡通「查理布朗」作品并自选葛拉第多首代表作
◎ 製造欢乐、和谐与幽默的音符,淋漓尽致地展现赤子之心与爵士情怀
利用钢琴的简单音符,编织出无比想像力的场景,可以感受温暖、热情、萧瑟、冷冽的四季变化,并且将一年的独特月份尽情挥洒,令人置身于各个迷人情节裡头,就是具有如此的魔力。这位获得葛莱美奖肯定、新世纪音乐第一把交椅、心灵系疗伤大师George Winston,让这繁忙拥挤的都市生活,多了一个歇脚喘息并且完全放鬆的空间。
虽然立足New Age领域的先驱之一,从小却是在充满灵性的节奏蓝调、迷幻狂野的摇滚乐曲、顺畅讨喜的流行声韵、慵懒微醺的爵士章节…等跨界区块中游移,并且吸纳其中传统精髓,并融会贯通的转变成自己音符。1980年发行万众瞩目的《Autum》专辑,成为George演奏生涯的重要转捩点,接著创下百万张销售量的《December》,全部获得公信力的AMG网站满分推崇,以季节更替为灵感,补足对大自然的细腻描述感受,更以纯淨无瑕的琴键奏鸣,融合民谣、即兴爵士的演绎手法,揭开印像派风格的序幕,在新世纪音乐范畴中具有指标性的意义。曾经来台湾举办演奏会的George,相信仍让所有乐迷陶醉不已,心情跟随键盘上跳动的灵感波动著,享受这人间少有的天籁!
至今仍是全球最受欢迎的卡通人物之一,经过60年岁月仍声势不坠的可爱史奴比,其中爵士钢琴家Vince Guaraldi因为替该剧创作配乐,成为流行爵士乐界最具童真的旋律。1996年George重新诠释製作「查理布朗」全集《Linus And Lucy-The Music Of Vince Guaraldi》,大受各界的欢迎,经过多时的酝酿和概念整合选歌,2010年问市的第二部曲《Love Will Come-The Music Of Vince Guaraldi, Vol. 2》,除了精选「查理布朗」乐曲外,也挑选葛拉第多首代表作。从充满爱的钢琴独奏〈Time For Love〉开始,纷飞四散的跳跃旋律,让聆听时的情绪感到无比开怀愉悦;1969年的〈It Was A Short Summer, Charlie Brown〉,脑中浮现史奴比和查理布朗间的欢乐互动;一隻不会说话,叽哩聒啦的语词只有史奴比懂的小黄侯鸟,在〈Woodstock〉之歌藉著翩翩飞扬的节拍,与糊涂塌客进行逗趣的对话;还有〈Air Music〉、〈Pebble Beach/Dolores Park〉、〈Rain, Rain Go Away〉等曲目,製造出更多欢乐、和谐与幽默的音符,同时淋漓尽致地展现一颗赤子之心,让大朋友重温无忧年少岁月、让小朋友度过欢乐时光!
George Winston is an American pianist who was born in Michigan, and grew up mainly in Eastern Montana as well as Mississippi and Florida. He attended Stetson University in Deland, Florida and lives in Santa Cruz, California. George Winston was first recorded by John Fahey for Fahey's Takoma Records. The album Ballads and Blues disappeared without much notice though it was later reissued on Winston’s Dancing Cat Records). However, in 1979, William Ackerman talked with Winston about having Winston record for Ackerman's new record label, Windham Hill Records. At first George Winston played some guitar pieces he liked and then he played some of his nighttime music on the piano which became the basis for the record Autumn, which Ackerman produced. Autumn soon became the best-selling record in the Windham Hill catalog and his albums December and Winter into Spring both went platinum. He has recorded 7 more solo piano albums, and he is one of the best known performers playing contemporary instrumental music.