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Dead Again (Music From the Motion Picture)

Dead Again (Music From the Motion Picture)

相比此前由Varese Sarabande唱片公司发行的版本,此次的发行不仅仅收录了更多的电影配乐,而且还经过了重新的混音。 电影剧情:肯尼斯和妻子爱玛汤普逊分饰两个角色,一是洛杉矶私家侦探和前来向他求助的失忆女子,一是不停出现在她梦中的一对40年代乐坛夫妇。在梦中,丈夫用一把利剪杀死了妻子,而他也被送上电椅。根据精通催眠的古董商的解释,那对夫妇乃是侦探和失忆女子的前世…… DEAD AGAIN MUSIC BY PATRICK DOYLE LLLCD 1284 LIMITED EDITION OF 2000 UNITS PRODUCED BY DAN GOLDWASSER MASTERED BY DOUG SCHWARTZ at MULHOLLAND MUSIC LINER NOTES BY BRIAN SATTERWHITE ART DIRECTION BY DAN GOLDWASSER Paramount Pictures and La-La Land Records are happy to announce the expanded and newly remastered score to Patrick Doyle’s masterpiece DEAD AGAIN. Clocking in at over 78 minutes, tons of material has been added to this lush and bombastic score. Full of melody and intrigue, composer Doyle takes the listener deep inside the psyche of Kenneth Branagh’s intense film and helps them navigate through the twist and turns of this reincarnation Hitchcockian thriller. Film composer/score historian Brain Satterwhite examines this twisted film noir exploring the film, its inspiration and Doyle’s intricate score. Dan Goldwasser’s art direction rounds out this gothic thriller’s package. One of our favorite scores of the 1990’s finally gets to be heard in all it’s glory (even featuring music cut from the final film)!
