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Wagner: Die Walküre, Act 3

Wagner: Die Walküre, Act 3

由索尔蒂爵士指挥维也纳爱乐所录制的「尼贝龙根的指环」一向是DECCA唱片公司的镇山之宝,也是唱片工业的重要里程碑,然而当年索尔蒂却是因为这份完成1957年的「女武神」第三幕之成功,被视为华格纳作品的最佳指挥,进而获得自1958年起开始录制全集的机会。弗拉戈丝塔一向以演唱女武神布伦希德着称,演唱此曲逾三十年,彷彿已成其专利。此录音为其最美之绝响,亦是唱片史之经典,绝不可错过。 This third act of Walküre, recorded in 1957 by the same team later responsible for the whole Decca Ring, still has much to offer. It gives us Solti’s early take on the work, and is notable for its sheer animal intensity as well as for the spectacular brass (almost too spectacular at times) and Flagstad’s last impressions of Brünnhilde–she was an amazing 62 years old when this was recorded. Her achievement is remarkable; she sings like a woman half her age. Of course the sound is not that of a young woman, and the reading is a trifle staid and understated (it always was from Flagstad), but the voice gushes forth effortlessly and she phrases as only an old pro would know how to. Otto Edelmann’s Wotan is similarly understated, but he lacks the tragic stature of the geat Wotans. Marianne Schech’s voice always had a wild side and it’s in evidence here, but her Sieglinde is as urgent as Solti’s leadership. The Valkyries are as good an octet as was–or is–available. Needless to say, the sound gives nowhere near the impression of its age. Even if you have a few Walküres, this third act is worth adding to the collection. Robert Levine, classicstoday.com [11/12/2000]


