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I figure I should do an explanation of this track since it seems to be the most controversial song I've ever put out (even more so then Serpent of Old... wow) Anyways. It all started one night when I was playing a bottle service club at an undisclosed location. Needless to say it was a f**king nightmare, not a single person in that room knew my music or wanted to hear anything remotely melodic. Me, being somewhat of a snarky asshole, decided to play all that psy trance I've been saving up for Burning Man just to weird them all out. It was a strange night for sure. But I had fun. Anyways. We had a long flight home the next day so I decided to grab some quotes about LSD from old movies and see if I could make a psy/bigroom combo track during the 6hr flight home. Lucy was born. So for everyone out there saying "RIP Seven Lions"... Suck my balls, you are the kind of people who make this feel like a job and not something I am doing for fun. For everyone else who has heard this song live on big ass speakers, I hope it did its job and weird-ed you out just a little bit :)