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[00:02.00]Is life always this hard(人生总是那么艰难的吗)
[00:03.78]Or is it just when you are kid(还是只有小时候是这样)
[00:10.68]Always like this(总是如此)
[00:21.18]Leon what exactly do you do for a living(里昂你到底是做什么的)
[00:33.24]You mean youre a hit man(你是说你是一个杀手)
[00:54.39]Ive decided what to do with my life(我已经决定好我的人生了)
[01:44.43]I think Im kinda falling in love with you(我觉得我已经爱上你了)
[01:47.76]Cause I feel it(因为我感受到了)
[01:53.55]In my stomach (肚子里)
[01:57.96]What does your father do(你爸爸是干嘛的)
[02:05.28]Hes not really my father(事实上他不是我的爸爸)
[02:08.49]Hes my lover(他是我的爱人)
[02:09.90]If I win(如果我赢了)
[02:13.68]You keep me with you(你要让我待在你身边)
[02:17.16]For life(一辈子)
[02:18.69]And if you lose(如果你输了呢)
[02:23.76]Go shopping alone(你可以一个人逛街)
[02:26.16]Like before(像往常一样)
[02:26.97]Youre gonna lose Mathilda(你会输的Mathilda)
[02:28.20]Theres a round in the chamber(子弹上膛了)
[02:29.25]I heard it(我听得出来)
[02:30.15]So what(所以呢)
[02:30.81]Whats it to you if I end up with a bullet in the head(如果子弹从我脑袋穿过你会怎么样)
[02:38.16]Mathilda since I met you everythings been different(Mathilda 自从我遇见你后一切都不一样了)
[02:44.25]So I just need some time alone(所以我需要一些时间独处)
[02:50.25]You need some time to grow up a little(你也需要一些时间去变成熟)
[02:52.80]I finished grow up Leon(我已经够成熟了)
[02:55.41]I just get older(我只会变老而已)
[02:56.73]For me its the opposite(对我来说正好相反)
[02:58.02]Im old enough (我已经够老了)
[03:02.13]I need time to grow up(我需要时间去变成熟一些)


Is life always this hard(人生总是那么艰难的吗)
Or is it just when you are kid(还是只有小时候是这样)
Always like this(总是如此)
Leon what exactly do you do for a living(里昂你到底是做什么的)
You mean youre a hit man(你是说你是一个杀手)
Ive decided what to do with my life(我已经决定好我的人生了)
I think Im kinda falling in love with you(我觉得我已经爱上你了)
Cause I feel it(因为我感受到了)
In my stomach (肚子里)
What does your father do(你爸爸是干嘛的)
Hes not really my father(事实上他不是我的爸爸)
Hes my lover(他是我的爱人)
If I win(如果我赢了)
You keep me with you(你要让我待在你身边)
For life(一辈子)
And if you lose(如果你输了呢)
Go shopping alone(你可以一个人逛街)
Like before(像往常一样)
Youre gonna lose Mathilda(你会输的Mathilda)
Theres a round in the chamber(子弹上膛了)
I heard it(我听得出来)
So what(所以呢)
Whats it to you if I end up with a bullet in the head(如果子弹从我脑袋穿过你会怎么样)
Mathilda since I met you everythings been different(Mathilda 自从我遇见你后一切都不一样了)
So I just need some time alone(所以我需要一些时间独处)
You need some time to grow up a little(你也需要一些时间去变成熟)
I finished grow up Leon(我已经够成熟了)
I just get older(我只会变老而已)
For me its the opposite(对我来说正好相反)
Im old enough (我已经够老了)
I need time to grow up(我需要时间去变成熟一些)
