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Luna Li

Luna Li是来自多伦多的艺术家,与一个全女性成员团队合作,她们的目标旨在将女性力量诚实完整地呈现在幕前,同时使得在幕后的女性饱含自信地去面对。聆听Luna Li的音乐会为你带来在梦境与朦胧现实间徘徊的体验,又仿佛是在醉意中偏偏起舞。你能从旋律中感受到美丽、自信、愉悦,Luna Li的世界,带你去体验爱意。 “这就是我想要音乐所传达的感受“Luna Li说道。俄罗斯作家陀思妥耶夫斯基曾说神灵以一种意想不到的方式穿透我们的日常生活。如果多伦多有一位属于它的神的女儿,那么就应当是Luna Li了。如果说Luna Li的音乐有什么与众不同的话,那就是无所畏惧的态度。即便它展现出多么不可思议的魔力,也应当在意料之内。在与整个宇宙的交汇之中,Luna Li是我们的先知。 The Toronto based artist, working with an all female team. Their aim is to put women in front of the camera with honesty and behind it with confidence. Listening to Luna Li is the moment you hang suspended between dream and a haziness, or when you’re dancing through a slight tipsiness. You feel beautiful, confident, happy. This is Luna Li and she’s here to help you love. “This is what feels right,” she says. Russian writer Fyodor Dostoevsky once wrote that the divine has a strange way of piercing through our everyday lives. If ever Toronto had its celestial princess then Luna Li is it. If Luna Li’s music is anything, it is unafraid. And being as magical as it is, this should be no surprise. In commune with the universe, Luna Li is an oracle of our times.
