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French Horn Rebellion
他们是美国独立大牌MGMT开场嘉宾及制作人。 “如云霄飞车般跌宕起伏的天才作品!”——《Q》 杂志,英国老牌音乐杂志 “无法抗拒!画面感十足!充满了新浪潮主旋律的电子流行,外加令人着迷的嗓音!”——Pitchfork, 美国知名流行音乐评论网站 “他们在Santos Party house那电子流行味十足的演出,所带来的neo-disco风 格和强劲的舞蹈节拍,差点把当时的屋顶都掀翻了!”——《Interview》 杂志,美国知名音乐艺术杂志 The French Horn Rebellion (FHR,圆号起义)被《纽约时报》称为是“音乐 界的下一个大人物!”很多人都质疑他们是谁?凭什么得到这么高的评价?但是在看过他们的现场演出之后,Robert和David Perlick-Molinari兄弟俩用夸张奇特的音乐 和令人晕眩、流汗不止的现场表现让所有质疑他们的人都闭嘴。在短短的1年时间中,他们成为几乎所有英美主要音乐媒体钦点的必看乐队,其中包括:NME, Q, Pitchfork, Interview等等。 FHR的兄弟俩人都 才华横溢:Dave是大牌独立乐队MGMT的EP专辑《Time to Prentend》的制作人,Rob则是美国西北大学圆号专 业科班出身,这也是他们乐队名字的由来。同时,这件亮闪闪形状独特的乐器也是他们现场和大家一起开心玩乐时的重要道具! 在和Hot Chip, Sleigh Bells和Cut Copy等众多大牌一起巡演之后,FHR今年和MGMT一起踏上亚洲巡演之 路,在更大的舞台上玩转圆号!
by Matt Collar
Brooklyn-based electro-rock duo French Horn Rebellion feature the talents of brothers David and Robert Perlick-Molinari. With a name inspired by the combination of David's skills as a computer sound engineer and Robert having once been the first chair French horn player in the Northwestern University Symphony Orchestra, French Horn Rebellion make '80s-influenced electronic pop with an often wry, campy sense of humor. Born and raised in Milwaukee, David and Robert eventually relocated to Brooklyn where David produced and engineered music for the similarly inclined outfit MGMT. In 2007, French Horn Rebellion released a self-titled independent album. In 2011, the duo released The Infinite Music of French Horn Rebellion on Once Upon a Time/V2 Records.