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Digital beats 旗下艺人,Trap Music制作人/DJ 对于律动、节拍他有着异于常人的敏锐觉察力和天赋, 在2014年开始尝试创作电子音乐,2015年底加入Digital beats 电子音乐厂牌,那时已经显露出他对于音色、配器的优异把控能力。并且在创作中大胆加入民族乐器和方言等中国元素,并于2016年发布LP《衝蓮祭》 其中代表作《祭》、《恭迎聖駕》以简洁粗犷的节奏以及极其低沉的Bass底鼓让人回味无穷。 PIKLANS活跃于广深地带的各种电子音乐派对活动,同年受邀参加在野天空音乐节与TMD ELECTRONIC MUSIC,Dark Trap 派对GameFace 中国巡回深圳站等派对活动。
As an Artist of Digitalbeats, Trap Music producer / DJ, PIKLANS shows acute insight and talent on rhythm and beats. He began to produce electronic music in 2014 and joined Digital beats by the end of 2015, then expressed an incredible ability of controlling timbre and orchestration at the same time. Moreover, PIKLANS has courage to add Chinese elements such as local instruments, dialects,etc. on his music. He also released LP "CHONG LIAN JI" , which the masterpiece"JI", "GONG YING SHENG JIA" gave us a deep impression with simple and rugged tempo and extremely low Bass. PIKLANS is also active in the Guangzhou-Shenzhen area of a variety of electronic music activities, and was recently invited to participate in the ZAIYE music festival ,TMD ELECTRONIC MUSIC ,Gameface China tour of SHENZHEN and other party activities.