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Atheist 的前身是典型的80年代敲击金属乐队 Oblivion,1984 年由主音兼吉他 Kelly Shaefer 和鼓手 Steve Flynn 创建,后曾改名为 R.A.V.A.G.E(Rage Atheists Vowing A Gory End)。乐队的阵容一直都在变化,直到几年后贝司 Roger Patterson 和吉他 Mark Sczawtsberg 的加入才使阵容稳定下来。定名为 Atheist 之后,乐队得到了迅速的发展,其间录制的一系列合集和小样记录了他们成长为极富技巧的死亡金属乐队的历程。1988 年吉他 Randy Burkey 加盟,Atheist 也与 Mean Machine 唱片公司签订了合同,并于次年发行了首张专辑《Piece of Time》(Mean Machine 破产后由 Active 唱片接替)。这是一张出奇晦涩和富有挑战性的专辑,令人晕眩的配器和不和谐的即兴重复使大多数普通听众望而却步,却令乐评人们为如此纯粹大胆的死亡爵士乐拍案叫绝。正当 Atheist 已着手准备下一张专辑,并筹划周游北美和欧洲的巡演时,悲剧降临了。1991 年 2 月,在为瑞典末日摇滚乐队 Candlemass 助台演出回家的路上,他们乘坐的小客车惨遭车祸,Patterson 当场死在了 Shaefer 的怀中。这一打击对 Atheist 来说几乎是无法承受的,但最终在 Cynic 乐队贝司 Tony Choy 的配合下,那一年晚些时候发行了《Unquestionable Presence》。这可能是他们的巅峰之作,不仅作为对 Patterson 的纪念,同时也将他们首演就迸发的耀眼光芒推向了完美的顶峰。Darren McFarland 随后成为了他们新的客座贝司,但不久 Shaefer 决定集中投入到更趋向摇滚的 Neurotica 中去。然而 Atheist 仍欠 Active 唱片一张专辑,因此 Shaefer、Burkey,加上回归的 Choy 和吉他 Frank Emmi、鼓手 Marcel Dissantos 在 1993 年录制了《Elements》。面对这一挑战,Shaefer 和他的同伴们加强了对旋律的运用,并广泛尝试了多种音乐风格,力图将展现乐队成员的才能摆在第一位。专辑发行后,他们完成了合约义务,Atheist 终于解散,Shaefer 也重新投入到 Neurotica 中,尽管在新的世纪还不时传来他们即将复出的流言。
Arguably the ultimate progressive metal band of their day, Atheist's impossibly Byzantine death-jazz proved too advanced even for committed metalheads to stomach. Over the span of three albums admirably recorded in spite of crippling adversity, the band's inventive but inaccessible style has earned them a lasting respect, but likewise compromised their chances of attaining widespread success.
Atheist started out as typical '80s thrash metal band. Founded in 1984 by vocalist and guitarist Kelly Shaefer and drummer Steve Flynn under the name of Oblivion and then R.A.V.A.G.E (Raging Atheists Vowing A Gory End), their shuffling lineup only stabilized years later with the arrival of bassist Roger Patterson and guitarist Mark Sczawtsberg. Settling on the name Atheist, the band suddenly began evolving at a fast clip, their gradual path towards an extremely complex brand of death metal documented in a series of compilations and demo tapes along the way. With the arrival of guitarist Randy Burkey in 1988, Atheist secured a deal with Mean Machine Records and issued their first album Piece of Time the following year (when the label went bankrupt, the album was picked up by Active Records). An amazingly dense and challenging record, it's head-spinning arrangements and dissonant riffing stumped most casual listeners but wowed critics with the sheer audacity of the band's death-jazz. Tours of Europe, Canada, and the United States would follow, and Atheist had already begun work on a follow-up when tragedy struck. Returning home from a road jaunt supporting Swedish doomsters Candlemass in February 1991, their van suffered a horrific crash, Patterson dying in Shaefer's arms by the roadside. The trauma was almost too much for Atheist to overcome but they eventually decided to carry on, and with session work by Cynic bassist Tony Choy, the Unquestionable Presence LP was released later that year. Possibly their finest hour, it not only served as a tribute to Patterson, but also managed to perfect the debut's seething intensity into an even sharper focus. Darren McFarland became their new touring bassist, but following just a few local dates, Shaefer decided to focus on his more rock-oriented side project Neurotica. But Atheist still owed Active Records one more album, so Shaefer, Burkey, and a returning Choy joined with guitarist Frank Emmi and drummer Marcel Dissantos to record 1993's Elements. Rising to the challenge, Shaefer and company bolstered the use of melody and experimented with a wide array of different musical styles, resulting in a remarkably strong effort considering the band's hand had been forced in the first place. Then, their responsibilities fulfilled, Atheist finally disbanded and Shaefer resumed his work with Neurotica, although 21st century re-formation rumors have surfaced on occasion.