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Genre: Gothic/Doom Metal Lyrical themes: Fantasy, Nature, Rare Things Last label: Nightfall Records   Formerly known as The Circle. Founding member Robert Westerholt left The Circle during the recording of their 1st album in 1995 due to creative differences, and immediately afterwards the band changed their name to 'Voyage', because Robert insisted on taking the name with him. Therefore, the band's album was released under the band name Voyage; titled 'Embrace' (1996, Nightfall Records). This album was originally intended to be The Circle's debut album. Robert co-wrote most material from 'Embrace', but he wasn't mentioned in the booklet at all. Robert was replaced on the album recordings by Patrick Harreman.   After the name change of The Circle, Robert Westerholt founded the well known band Within Temptation, with some of the Voyage-members joining him aswell (after Voyage split up). Also in 'WT' is Robert's long time partner Sharon den Adel, who did a guest appearance on the song 'Frozen' from the album 'Embrace', the ment-to-be debut album of The Circle. Her contribution can still be heard on the album as it was released by Voyage, so this particular song must have been recorded before Robert left the band.   The Voyage song 'Frozen' (ft. Sharon den Adel) was put on the internet a couple of months before the release of Within Temptation's 'The Heart of Everything' album because it was thought to be the track 'Frozen' from that album. However, both songs are completely different and this was a total mix up. The Voyage track 'Frozen' is a reworking of a track recorded by The Circle for a DSFA compilation.   Voyage disbanded not long after the release of their 1st (and only) album. Some of it's members would end up with Robert Westerholt in his new band Within Temptation.   Other releases: Demo (1995?) Embrace promo cassette (1996?) Both possibly still under the 'The Circle' name.


