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Sultan Khan

著名音乐家、印度萨朗吉(Sarangi)演奏大師苏坦汗(Sultan Khan),因能自如运用sarangi这个较难掌握的乐器而闻名,享誉国际多年。萨朗吉意为百种颜色的,形容它能传达各种情绪和情感的非凡能力,被认为是最古老和最难演奏的弦乐器之一,和西塔琴一样,在17世紀已是印度受欢迎的弓琴,有点类似中国的扬琴 Emotional depth, virtuosic instrumental skills, and a passion for melody have been combined through the music of sarangi playerSultan Khan. Taught the rudiments of the sarangi by his father, Ustad Gulab Khan, Khan has continue to evolve as an instrumentalist. Performing his debut concert at the age of 11 at the All-Indian Conferences, Khan is a two-time winner of the prestigious Sangeet Natya Academy Award. He also received the gold medal award of Moharashtra and an American Academy of Artists award in 1998. Attracting international attention when he accompanied Ravi Shankar on George Harrison's Dark Horse tour in 1974, Khan has featured on the soundtracks of Gandhi and In Custody. In 1997, Khanperformed at Prince Charles' 50th birthday celebration.


