Haydn: Piano Sonata in F Major, Hob. XVI:23 (Digitally Remastered) 3.87 MB 04:13
Haydn: Variations for Piano in F Minor, Hob.XVII:6 (Digitally Remastered) 6.91 MB 07:32
Scarlatti: Keyboard Sonata in C Major, L. S2 (Digitally Remastered) 2.15 MB 02:20
Draga 8.99 MB 09:49
Draga 6.6 MB 07:12
Mendelssohn: Athalie, Op. 74: "The War March of the Priests" (Digitally Remastered) 5.28 MB 05:46
Mendelssohn: Athalie, Op. 74: "The War March of the Priests" (Digitally Remastered) 4.45 MB 04:51
Mendelssohn: Athalie, Op. 74: "The War March of the Priests" (Digitally Remastered) 8.66 MB 09:27
Mendelssohn: Athalie, Op. 74: "The War March of the Priests" (Digitally Remastered) 1.67 MB 01:49
如果你真诚 2.09 MB 02:16
Mozart: Rondo for Piano No. 3 in A Minor, K. 511 (Digitally Remastered) 6.79 MB 07:25
Paisiello: La Molinara: "Nel Cor Più Non Mi Sento" (Digitally Remastered) 1.14 MB 01:14
1.76 MB 01:55
1.1 MB 01:11
科莱里:D小调第12号奏鸣曲,作品5,“佛利亚” 13.3 MB 14:29
Beethoven - Violin Sonatas No, 5 Op. 24 "Spring" & No. 9 Op. 47 "Kreutzer" 9.18 MB 10:02
A大调第9号小提琴和钢琴奏鸣曲, 作品47 “克罗采”:第三乐章 终乐章 - 急板 5.86 MB 06:23
A大调第9号小提琴和钢琴奏鸣曲, 作品47 “克罗采”:第二乐章 有变奏的行板 10.9 MB 11:52
Mozart: Piano Concerto No.20 in D Minor K. 466 20.2 MB 22:04
Mozart: Concerto for Piano and Orchestra No. 20 in D Minor, K. 466 (Digitally Remastered) 12.8 MB 14:01
Mozart: Concerto for Piano and Orchestra No. 20 in D Minor, K. 466 (Digitally Remastered) 6.5 MB 07:06
Mozart: Concerto for Piano and Orchestra No. 20 in D Minor, K. 466 (Digitally Remastered) 7.34 MB 08:01
Schubert: 6 Moments Musicaux Op. 94 780 19.4 MB 21:12
升F大调第5号钢琴夜曲,作品15第2首 2.42 MB 02:38
Pleyel: Sonata for Flute & Piano in C major 4.18 MB 04:34
Pleyel: Sonata for Flute & Piano in C major 2.32 MB 02:32
降B大调第13号钢琴奏鸣曲,作品333:第一乐章 快板 7.39 MB 08:04
降B大调第13号钢琴奏鸣曲,作品333:第二乐章 如歌的行板 1.62 MB 01:45
Mozart's Piano Sonatas Collection 5.3 MB 05:47
G大调第4号钢琴协奏曲,作品58:第一乐章 快板,中板 14.4 MB 15:44
G大调第4号钢琴协奏曲,作品58:第二乐章 有动态的行板 3.35 MB 03:39