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Karl Ridderbusch

卡尔·里德布施(Karl Ridderbusch, 1932-1997),德国男低音歌唱家,1932年5月29日出生于德国的Recklinghausen,早年本想成为一名工程师,参加歌唱比赛时被Rudolf Schock发现,并为他提供了接受音乐训练的部分经费,1955年就读于杜伊斯堡学院,1957-1961年间在Essen的Folkwangschule师从Clemens Kaiser-Brehme,1961年作为《Mathis der Maler》中的菲利普二世在Münster做了首演,1963-1965年间是Essen合唱团的成员,之后加入著名的Deutsche歌剧院,开始出演瓦格纳、施特劳斯和威尔第的歌剧角色,1967年首次登台拜罗伊特,从此开始了国际舞台生涯,1975年离开拜罗伊特前在此出演了Heinrich der Vogeler, Fasolt, Fafner, Hagen, Pogner, Hans Sachs, Hunding, Daland, Titurel, Koenig Marke等主要角色,另外还出演了Ochs auf Lerchenau, 蒙特威尔第的Seneca, 多尼采蒂的Henry VIII, 威尔第的Falstaff, Flotow的Plumkett, Cornelius的Barbier von Bagdad等等,期间于1966年登台米兰的斯卡拉歌剧院,1967年登台纽约大都会歌剧院和巴黎歌剧院,1968年登台维也纳国家歌剧院(并于1978年获“Kammersänger”称号)以及慕尼黑,柏林,汉堡,萨尔茨堡,1971年登台伦敦科文特英国皇家歌剧院,1997年6月因心脏病和肝脏疾病去逝。   Karl Ridderbusch (29 May 1932 - 21 June 1997) was a German operatic bass, associated in particular with the music of Wagner.  He was recognised as a notable exponent of the role of Hans Sachs.   Karl Ridderbusch was born in Recklinghausen, Germany, and was discovered at an amateur music competition by the tenor Rudolf Schock who helped pay for the younger singer'straining.   Ridderbusch had previously planned to work as an engineer for his father.  After studying at the conservatoire in Duisburg and the Folkwang Hochschule in Essen,  he made his debut at the State Theatre in Münster in 1961. Roles he sang there included the Commendatore and Phillip II.   Ridderbusch's next post was in Essen where he added major roles by Verdi, Strauss and Wagner to his repertoire. In 1965, he joined the Deutsche Oper am Rhein, where he was based for the rest of his career. Roles there included Phillip II, Henry VIII, Sparafucile, Boris Godunov and Hunding.


