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Ram Narayan

 潘迪特•拉姆•纳拉延(Pandit Ram Narayan)是当今最优秀的萨朗吉演奏者之一。他音乐表达的传奇性风格永久性地改变了萨朗吉在音乐中的角色,从他开始萨朗吉终于彻底摆脱了伴奏乐器的地位而成长为真正的独奏乐器。他的兄弟是著名的塔布拉演奏大师潘迪特•查特•拉尔(Pt. Chatur Lal)。 拉姆•纳拉延1927年12月25日出生于拉贾斯坦邦乌地亚普(Udiapur)的一个音乐世家。他的父亲潘迪特•纳苏吉•比阿瓦特(Pandit Nathuji Biawat)一名迪尔鲁巴琴演奏大师。七岁起他就在多位大师的指导下进行萨朗吉的练习--胡斯塔德•梅赫波布汉(Ustad Mehboob Khan)、潘迪特•乌达亚拉尔(Pandit Udayalal)、潘迪特•马达瓦•普拉萨德(Pandit Madhav Prasad)和胡斯塔德•阿布杜尔•瓦西德汉(Ustad Abdul Wahid Khan)。十四岁时,他已经是拉合尔的AIR(全印度广播公司)的一员。独立后,他离开了拉合尔,加入了德里的AIR。 拉姆•纳拉延开始他的音乐生涯正如其他萨朗吉演奏者所做的一样--成为一名声乐家演出的伴奏者。他是一名出众的伴奏者,被当时很多声乐家所赏识。但他决定进行独奏,来发掘萨朗吉这件乐器的潜力。1949年他来到孟买,为电影业工作,这成了他的谋生手段。他在1950年为HMV出了一张独奏唱片。最初他受到了冷遇,但是到50年代末,他已经成为了一名成功的萨朗吉演奏家。他对萨朗吉的结构做了一些改变,比如琴弓,运弓法和指法技巧,这些如今已成为萨朗吉的规范。 他被印度政府授予一些奖项如PadmaBhushan和音乐艺术学院奖(Sangeet Natak Academy Award)。在他的信徒中有他的女儿阿鲁娜•纳拉延•卡利(Aruna Narayan Kalle)。而他的儿子布里吉•纳拉延(Brij Narayan)则从事演奏萨罗德琴。  The sarangi has been taken from its traditional accompanying role and transformed into a solo instrument of creative expression by Udaipur Rajasthan, born Ram Narayan. Urdu poet Ali Sardar Jafri claimed that Narayan has discovered the sau rang (100 hues) of this instrument; classical violinist Yehudi Menuhin explained, I cannot separate the sarangi from (Narayan). So thoroughly fused are they, not only in my memory, but, in the fact of this sublime dedication of a great musician to an instrument which is no longer archaic because of the matchless way in which he has made it speak. The son of a dilruba player, Pandit Nathuji Biawat, who established a distinctive fingering technique, Narayan represents the fifth generation of musicians in his family. Fascinated by a miniature sarangi that he found while searching for a toy in his bedroom at the age of five, he began formal lessons two years later. His teachers included Ustad Mehboob Khan, Pandit Udayall, Pandit Madhav Prasad, and Ustad Abdul Wahid Khan. By the age of 14, he was proficient enough on the instrument to be hired as a staff musician for All-India Radio in Lahore (now Pakistan). He moved to All-India Radio in Delhi following partition. Although he built his early reputation as an accompanist for vocalists, Narayan was frustrated by the supporting role. In the early 50s, he began performing as a soloist with his brother, Pandit Chatur Lal, on tabla. In the nearly half century since, his playing has continued to evolve as modifications in the structure of his sarangi and bow have enabled him to thoroughly explore the instrument. Narayan has received numerous awards, including the Padmashree and the Sangeet Natak Academy awards. Manchester University Press published his book on Indian classical music. Narayans musical legacy has been passed on to his daughter, Aruna Narayan Kalle, a well-known sarangi player in her own right.
